Feature OS Android 2.2 (Froyo) With Automatic Update

Informasi terbaru Feature OS Android 2.2 (Froyo) With Automatic Update Android 2.2 froy
Android Froyo could automatic update firmware

Soon Google will be launching the Android platform generation 2.2 or which is also commonly called Froyo. This new platform dikalim able to update the firmware automatically when the handset is connected to the Internet. Leak was delivered by someone who claims to be part of the developer platform darim froyo.

If that were true then the user does not need hard engupdate applications manually, especially for applications that must be frequently updated to the latest version. With this feature the developers are expected to provide updates at any time. Users will be greatly assisted by the existence of these features, these features previously only available on Windows PCs.

Besides these features will provide fragmentation because it eliminates the bundling of some core applications, such as Google Maps, which will be made separately and can be downloaded from the Android Market. Application of the automatic update feature will also make early became lighter and not burden the processor.

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Kurang Darah, Obati dengan Tapak Dara

Memang sungguh besar kekayaan alam Indonesia. Tuhan memberikan banyak sekali kelimpahan untuk kota warga Negara Indonesia, sekarang adalah giliran kita yang berusaha mengolah anugrah tersebut hingga menjadi sesuatu yang bermanfaat lebih. Salah satu anugrah yang di jaman ini sudah di tinggalkan atau dilupakan adalah berlimpahnya tanaman OBAT TRADISIONAL.

Tentu anda semua sudah tau beberapa jenis tanaman OBAT HERBAL, seperti kumis kucing, seledri, dan kelapa. Nah di artikel ini saya akan memberitahukan anda satu jenis tanaman obat lagi, yakni Tapak Dara. Tapak dari memiliki khasiat untuk mengobati kurang darah. penyakit kurang darah biasanya diderita oleh wanita yang sedang datang bulan. Karena waktu datang bulan terlalu banyak darah yang keluar, jadi otomatis mereka menjadi kekurangan darah dan tubuh menjadi lemas. Tentu sebelum dijadikan obat, tanaman tapak dara harus melakukan serangkaian proses sampai bisa diminum dan berkhasiat untuk obat.

New Blackberry pearl 9105 With Traditional Keypad

Informasi terbaru New Blackberry pearl 9105 With Traditional Keypad Blackberry Pearl 9105

Conventional keypad Blackberry Pearl 9105

The latest news comes from RIM as the BlackBerry smartphone vendors. They will launch a new product is the Blackberry Pearl 9105, this handset will be using conventional T9 keypad like normal phones that have not been using QWERTY. Before the existence of this rumor, in fact RIM is also preparing to present Blcakberry Pearl 9100 which supports SureType qwerty keyboard and 3G features.

Short specifications:
  • Network: GSM Quadband and 3G
  • Model: Candybar
  • Screen: 366x400 resolution, Optical Trackpad
  • OS: Blackberry OS
  • Camera: 3.2 Mega Pixel
  • Connections: WiFi, Bluetooth
  • Memory: 256MB internal, external micro SD slot
  • Other Features: GPS, 3.5mm audio port

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